Ultimate Performance for Modern Wire Rod Mills
Today's wire rod mills are running at increasingly high speeds, and they require a guide roll that gives them the wear resistance and low density their applications demand. Tool steels are hardly competent. Fe-TiC guide rolls inevitably fail. The alternative is SMETiC 2000.
Specially designed for guide roll applications, SMETiC 2000 is a high performance, cermet material manufactured to meet the demands of unique operating parameters and withstand today's tough conditions. SMETiC outperforms tool steels because it can handle high speeds of up to 120 m/sec that require guide roll rotation of about 35,000 rpm, and it doesn't exhibit the residual micro-porosity present in conventional FeTiC guide rolls.
SMETiC 2000 rolls have been treated by advanced HIPing (hot isostatic press) technology to guarantee top performance and quality.
- Lighter than WC-Co by 50%
- Lighter than steel by 15%
- Free of micro-porosity and other defects
- Excellent wear resistance similar to WC-Co
- Minimum pick-up galling
- Outstanding strength and impact resistance
- Superior high temperature corrosion resistance
- Easy to be machined by conventional cutting tools
- Highly heat-treatable
- Less mill downtime by working with SinterMet's advanced WC-Co/Ni cemented carbide rolls